New Friends and New Survey

i copied this from another diarie shmucketyduck's to be specific thanks i didnt ask i just stole hope u dont mind. **Name?:Matthew **Nicknames?: Phlip aka flip **Date of birth?: September 14 1987 **Sex?: male **Height?: 5'4" **Eye color?: Dark Brown **Hair color?: Black **Piercings?: Nope but thought about it i think not **Tattoos?: i want some as soon as im 18 getting my name in Thai across the top of my back and some other cool stuff **Where were you born?: Nacorn Sawaon, Thailand (pronounce it the way u want) **Town you live in?: Indianapolis **What is your heritage?: thai **How many languages can you speak?: 1 English **Pets?: Nope **Favorite foods?: Ramen Noodles and Fried Rice im not helping my chink friends im jsut adding to the stereotype **Favorite day of the week?: Depends do i getto be with a hot girl that day **Favorite resturant?: Any **Favorite flower?: i guess roses the only flower im fimilar with' **Favorite drink?: Pepsi Products **Favorite ice cream flavor?: One Sweet World Ben and Jerrys Flavor tiiight ice cream **Favorite fast food restuarant?: wendys and taco bell **Favorite scent?: fried food, and girls perfume (not on me i swear) **Favorite band?:Not Sure Alkaline trio, Brand New?**Wall color in your bedroom?: Blue and white **What theme does your room have?: Teenager i guess i have alot of stollen street signs my homemade wallpaper of skateboard magazine cut outs lots if random posters like the prince an me one and mean girls just random hung up stuff that i collect and a lot of technology **Carpet color in your bedroom?: used to be white **How many times did you fail your driver's test?: im still etchy on taking it im waiting till i msure i can pass **Ever been in a car accident?: nah i dont remeber it at least **If so, did you cause it?: probably will **Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?:why the hell would i max my credit card i still have to pay for it **What do you do most often when you are bored?: Skateboard and Nap talk to people **Most annoying thing to say to me?: that chineese kid over there or something with asian in it. **Favorite TV show?: Simpsons, Rokos Modern Life **Been out of country?: Yea All my Life **Ford or Chevy?: Ford **What are you listening to right now?: A airplane too and the tv **Do you have a crush on someone?: i wish **Do you have a bf/gf?: no **If so, what is their name?: blues clues **How long have you been together?: 3years im lying for those how cant figure it out **What are you wearing right now?: shorts shirt socks boxers what not **Would you have sex before marriage?: if i was in love **Are you a virgin?: Use ur imganiation. **Do you smoke?: Not any more **Do you drink?: sometimes more of a weekender **What are your favorite colors?: Red**Favorite animal?: Penguins and Polor Bears **Have you ever gotten your ass kicked?: By Friends never by people i dont like ive kicked ass there **Who do you talk to most on the phone?: Kylie **Do you get online a lot?: pshh ya **Are you shy or outgoing?: i try to be outgoing more like rejections i just stay shy till i know people well then im outgoing **Do you shower?: Everyday **Do you hate school?: Yes **Do you have a social life?: to a degree **How easily do you trust people?: too easly **Would you ever sky dive?: yes most definatly but ud have to kick my ass out of the plane cuz im not going to jump myself **Do you like to dance?:sure breakdancing slow dancing, not very good at freaking though willing to learn girl or guy ur choice im game **Have you ever been out of state?: Many visit both coast once a year **Do you like to travel?: Kinda **Have you ever been expelled from school?: nope working on it **Have you ever been suspended from school?: yes **Do you want to get out of your hometown?: im not sure **Have you ever been dumped?: more than once **Have you ever gotten high?: yes a couple of times **Do you like snapple?: Ii like some snapple drinks **Do you drink a lot of water?: when i skateboard **Do you have a cell phone?: No **Do you have a curfew?: Yes **Are you a role model?: i wish i wasnt but sadly lil kids look up to me sometimes **What name brand do you wear the most?: dk i dont usualy where a shirt without askateboarding name brand on it cuz im weird like that and dont have style **What kind of jewelry do you wear?: none **Do you like taking pictures?: Yea its a gay hobbie **Do you like getting your picture taken?:if its with a girl **Have you ever started a rumor?: Not started ive spread some not knowing for sure **Do you have your own phone or phone line?: nopes **Do you have any siblings?:sister **Do you get along with your parents?: sometimes **How do you vent your anger?: Skateboarding **Have you ever run away?: Once or twice **Have you ever been fired from a job?: nopes **Do you even have a job?: No **Do you daydream a lot?: Yeah... **Do you have a lot of ex's?: yea **What does your bf/gf look like?: um brown hair light green eyes or brown even though i dont have one and how come this isnt grouped with the rest of the girlfriend boyfriend questions **Are you rude?: depends who u are usualy no but if i dont like u then yea **What was the last compliment you recieved?: dont worry your hot, maybe not sauve but ur athletic **Do you like getting dirty?: sometimes **Are you flexiable?: used to be still am to a point cant do the splits anymore though **Could you ever be a vegetarian?: no but sometimes it would be nice, i could be healthy and i wouldnt be kllling animals but i can live with out meat so the pigs have to go **Would you ever date someone younger than you?: yea **Would you ever date someone older than you?: yes plz **When was the last time you were drunk?: july 3 **How many rings until you answer the phone?: i used to awnser it on the first ring but my girl never calls anymo **When was the last time you went on a date?: um i forget it was recent thought **Do you look more like your mother or father?: idk **Do you cry a lot?: not alot but getting dumped does want to make me too but i dont i just get angry and mad **What phrase do you use most when on the phone?: yea uh hu yea mhmm **Are you the romantic type?: yes **Have you ever been chased by cops?: yes **What do you like most about your body?: my pecs not to sound conceded ive always had man boobs even when i was three and my abs to a degree mostly on the side the obliques if u will **What do you like least about your body?: idk **When did you have your first crush?:preschool dont beleive me ask me when i masterabated **When was the last time you threw up?: couple months ago **In the opposite sex, do you prefer blondes or brunettes?: both which doesnt awnser the question **Do you ever wear shirts that show your stomach?: every day lol **What about cleavage?: nah **Is your best friend a virgin?: nopes **Have you ever been fucked up?: yea a couple **Do you like to party?: sometimes **When was the last time you were at a party?: hmm i think emilys **What is one of your bad qualilties?: um i get in to alot of trouble sometimes im sassy most of the time is why im sharped tounge **What is one of your good qualilties?: i really like to have a girlfriend that loves me the same way i love her is that even a quality **What do you drive?: dont know yet **Would you ever hook up with the same sex?: no ha maybe as a joke if he knew about it too **What kind of music do you like?: punk rock but nothing on mtv millencolin and such **Would you ever bungee jump?: yes of course **What is your worst fear?: being up high, dying without telling my girl i love her even though i dont know who she is and spiders the dark sometimes if im alone
Read 2 comments
Hey! I love your survey! Very interesting. I don't know how you got it from me, but that's cool... That comment that you sent me was so funny! The one about the answering machines, and trying to leave a message to your gf, but it's not long enough, so you have to leave like 5! That cracked me up!Ah....too funny. Well, later!
aww mattie! your such a lover boy. your the best bf ever.