
Saterday, man what a day long to say the least. ryan calls like at 11 in the morning its like jeez im still trying to wake up. but i go over to his house we skate a bit then we decide to go to a chineese buffet for lunch. man i swear i have some type of sars from that place but it was good and under 5 bucks what a deal. who cares about health as long as its under 5 dollers right? so were done eating we go pick up mark whos just getting back from compusa with a wireless thingy. so were like common were going out so we start to drive around and hit up our local grocer for some gay fireworks. at elast the have smoke bombs so we bought at least 10 i think or close so were trying to figure out what to do with them. then its like lets attach em to our skateboards. easier said then done skateboards are made out of this non adhesieve materail really it not its made out of wood but i had to sure nigga rig that thing on. so we looked like cool dicks on skateboards going down the street with smoke commin out from our boards it looked pretty cool. then we by a tv for 10 bucks at a garage sale the funny thing is that the sellers took it to show us that it worked they had no ideal we were ganna smash it lol. so we take it to a local school and set it down in the back. we picked up 2 rocks on the way one pretty big one and another medium size. the big one was about twice the size of ur head just to give u a idea. newayz mark has first hits on the tv he misses twice never let mark throw anything hes down this before. so ryan smashes it with the medium one and i finish the job with a big one it was kinda cool not as cool as the last time we did it were it like exploded with electricity. but that tv was newer and bigger. so then we went back to my house to skate and we set up my kicker ramp to ryans truck a ford ranger. set down the tailgate flap thingy and i spent a couple hours trying to grind the back of his truck i come so close. so close to dying too which is not fun when the board slips out from under u and u have metal to hit then some concrete. newho thats our weekedn lots more happned and alot more detail but i hate typing so later
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cool diary:)
how did you get al those pictures asur background? i like