Suggestions for Skateboarding

every time i look up how to do a trick ont he internet i get the same old crap that doesnt help at all. for exsample fs flip. "u should be able to do a fs 180 and a kickflip. place ur foot in kickflip position rotate ur arms and unwind as u do this make the board flip under u catch it with ur feet and absorb the landing ride away." not very helpfull. but every once in a while i run into some good tips. the best tip i can give u is practice and patients and practice i mean every day unless ur godly like the pros. newayz try these out. i can only offer help on tricks i can do so srry about the other ones. Leave comments about my help if it doesnt help or if it does help. u can ask other questions too. sry about my sentence structure and grammer andspelling ill go back and edit it when im finished. Backside 180: the best tip i got for these is make sure u dont dip ur head. i did that alot and i did land them as i dipped my head but they looked akward. try to keep ur head right over the middle of the board at all times. push with rear leg toes and pull with the front leg toes to keep it rotating than try to over rotate ur body not the board cuz some times if u just do a 180 the board will pull a 90. always stay on top of the board literally dont lean over the side also known as ducking. make sure in 180s u level out meanin push with ur front leg down so the board is horizontal. winding up before u take off is hopefull a little bit but for me when i wind up when i was trying to lear to do it just made me spin and the board go flying out form underneth me dont worry about it just practice. Kickflips: ah the trick that transfers u from a fag to a begining amature. kickflips r all about the muscle strength and muscle memory. u have to build it right now im working on nollie kickflips which is like learning it all over again. the kickflip position which u all know is back foot on the tail front foot right behind the front bolts pointed at a 45 or less degree angle away from u. ur back foot should be on the ball of its foot and the front foot too. now the kicking motion when i watch other people do it the main thing i see different in people landing it and not landing it is the kicking motion. when i watch people who dont land it they never left up their knees or level out the board (which is hard by the way). try doing a kickflip while moving and focus on pushing ur kicking foot (the front one) on the nose down to level it out, then make sure u get both feet tucked under u extreemly well. the actual kick is hard too, what u want to do is study videos and pictures to help. notice how they slide on the edge/side of their shoe not the sole. then almost that use edge plus their top of the shoe to catch the front curved part of the board and flick it off in front of them, not behind them. another good help is to flick ur foot away from u lightly, too hard and the board will follow ur foot. make sure ur foot isnt kicking behind u too. that was the problem with my nollie flips, kick it away from u in the sence as kick it twords the nose and little bit behind u. landing it is all about ur time devolopment and practice. figure out how long it takes for the board to rotate and try to catch it just keep practicing. make sure ur sholders our always over the board where the bolts should be. line the up some times ur not jumping foward too. jumping foward will help u level the board out too. i catch the board always with my back foot first but i dont notice it. dont worrry about catching it in the air that comes later with practice and hight. and be comitted and selfconfident that ur ganna land on it even if its upside down or on its side(the primo position) which sucks cuz then it slips out from under u. be comitted to landing it get both feet under u and let it rotate. Hitting Handrails (boardslides): When you do handrails u must be really confident in ur board slides i mean landing them 14 out of 15 times good and not on those rails u can buy from a catolog or store. but like skatepark rails. the taller one. the most important part about doing a rail is a clean ollie make sure u snap that board high and go far the farther u get down the rail the lower the rail becomes bc of the slant. when u get on the rail find ur center and make sure ur above the board like always lean ur body with the slant just a little foward not to far or ur face plant or bail. make sure u have speed and confidence before u try any of this. and by confidence i mean ur sure ur can pull off a board slide on some thing that high. i dotn mean go full hoggie on the first try. ollie the set if its small and see if u can even get onto the rail but comitment is the key cant stress that enough. first time is always the hardest Full Cab (caberello or soemthing): one of the easier tricks for me to do ive always been able to spin for somereason. this trick however does need some what of a wind up just twist ur boddy 90 degrees away from which way ur ganna turn and dont try to think to hard about it. what it almost looks like is something called a tornado kick in the karate world. plus mine arnt full 360s when i po the board im almost already at the half way mark. then landing it u just need to keep ur since of balance jump foward or back dependin on the way ur spinning not that much dont dip o yea and have fun with it dont get worked up like i see alot of people do. this trick is all about the leveling out and the pushing and pulling of ur feet on the board. Heelflip: Hardflip: ive always been able to do these before many tricks too i dont see what so hard about this flip. well when u d it off stuff like stairs or ramps then it gets a little harder and when u add alot of speed too. but besides that focus on the poping of the board once again this time u need the biggest pop u have ever gotten next drag ur front foot up the lenght of the board and lightly flick it off fs. now heres where its do or die u have to let it go inbetween ur legs i find that if im ganna bail stay up in the air as long as u can so it wont be cut vertical in the air and u land with it up ur butt. let it rotate around and kinda bail off to the side or foward. now catching it is literally catching it its hard to rotate ur whole body back around after u already did to flick the board so i find that i just turn my lower half force it around to catch it perfectly under my feet. Ollie Nose Manual: Kickflip Nose Manual: First of all make sure ur consistant with ur kickflips landing them 4 out of 5 times seems efficient. what also helps is also knowing what landing in a nose manual feels like i like to do some ollie nose manuals to warm up. the trick to kickflip nosemauls is taying above the board once again but there is a catch. when u flick ur foot let it hang there above and close to the nose of the board. dont pull ur legs in. when it down rotating stop it with ur front foot and catch it with ur back. when i mean stop it from rotating i mean just put ur foot in the way and when i say catching with the back i mean fully touch the board with ur foot and straighten it out. from there make sure u transfer ur weight to the front like in a nosemaul the key is a soft clean landing dont stomp down to hard at the begining or else ull likely just land it instead of manualing out. lol now to contradict my self make sure u have weight on ur back legs too but dont focus on that just keep it in the back of ur head. good luck practice Handstand to finger flip: Ive been doing these for a while it takes a lot of being aware of where the center of gravity is. that and alittle strength if u cant do a handstand than forget it.uve got to be able to hold it too. keys to this trick is the kick up. place both ur hands at each end of the board and equal amount of weight on each to keep it from flipping. after u got ur balance. what i find helps is having ur legs hang over ur head when ur in the handstand. bend those knees and let them balance u out. dont keep ur legs together and straight up into the air. then the flip dont try this if u suck at handstands. ive had a gymnastic background so i learned how at a young age and it just kinda stuf with me. its all about the snap and the throw. tense up ur body arch back and get ready to throw the board underneth u. snap down and high kinda conterdicting each other when i mean snap down i mean spring out and high. at the same time u have to make the board rotate under u and land on it with ur feet good luck. when u throw the board make sure u dont just throw it kinda help it along pick it up with u while ur in the air and flip it so the board doesnt do a grounder and stops rotating when it hits the ground. this trick is all about coordination dont worry if u cant do it. Truckstand: Primo: 360 flip: fs Flip: they should rename this trick the impossible this trick is really hard. ive only landed it once in my 5 years of skating. somebody once told me the key to this is hieght and i agree. secound key is coordanation u dont necesarily need speed for this one. the trick is a hard pop to get the board almost perpindicular lol that was bad spelling to the ground or vertical. then using ur front foot the kickfliping one drag it up the nose and kick off behind u as ur bottom foot pushes it around front side. then even more hardness im pretty sure thats bad grammer, but u need to get ur legs above the board then to be able to catch it i dont have to much advice on this trick though Front side 180s: FS Heelflip: Easy easy trick u have to have ur 180s good though ur heelflips dont have to be high lord knows my arnt. but this trick set up feels retarted the way i learned it was i have my rear foot on teh tail and my front foot on the heel side with my toes hanging over. now take ur front foot and rotate it inwards at a 45 degree angle almost like if u were pigion toed or maybe its called something else. newayz now just 180 and kick ur foot out the borad will do the rest. the landing involves u having to jump back a little big but dont dip ur head again. the landing just is practice no hints here Ollie cleaner and higher: 50 50s: i only have a couple things to suggest about this trick. ollie high, and clear the rail. ollie clean, ollie parallel to whatever. make sure ur body is right over the rail again and dont turn ur sholders keep them parallel with the rail. try ledges first. secound is speed. go get em tiger Nose Grind: Still working on perfecting this trick. but what helped me learn it is speed. all grinds require speed. make sure ur directly over the rail too directly over it like on the 50 50 keep em shoulders parallel. dont lock ur front knee. or else u might break it if something slips up keep ur kneew slightly bent keep those arms up and out for balance. to land it ethier nollie out of it really hard i cant doit. or make sure u still have enough speed for ur back of the board can clair the rail and start to lean and transfer ur weight back to level the board out. Tail Slide: Lip Slide: This one u need to be good at bs 180s they got to be high at least a couple inches or more above the rail ur doing. this one the main key is the pushing of ur tail end of the board over the rail that is really hard just push with ur rear foot and pull with the front one. u can rack ur self really easy with this trick. then once ur on its just like a board slide. to land the board in the center ollie high and tell urself that ur going to land in the center ur body will do the rest hopefully if not sucks for u. Smith: Key thing dont try these on those gay light weight rails make sure the rail is heavy so it doesnt move. the smith grind is easy the go up for a 50 50 but focus on nailing ur back truck onto the rail and not leaning back like a 5 0 grind. speed is key again in this trick and alot of wax if the rail is rusty. this trick is hard bc u have to keep the nose low while grinding on the back truck. so just figure out ur balance point usualy i shift my center to about the back just a little to keep that weight on the back truck. Fakie stuff: doing tricks fakie is realitivly easy bc its the same movement u do in normal stance ecxept ur going backwards the main key is leveling out when u start to learn fakie tricks u find u go flying foward off the board. or if ur good u dont. but u kind have to jump back as u snap the board for the pop its a weird feeling but awsome feeling, its like snapping the board foward and then going against that momentem and jumping back to level out the board in landing fakie tricks takes extreem percision. make sure u have a solid landing and solid center of gravity or else ull slip out. Nollie Flips: Practice like a kick flip except i found it helpful that u place ur rear foot almost at a 90 degree angle from u other one like some sort of ballet stance. like ur feet are almost making a tee. that will help u learn to flick the board. Doing Stair Sets: theres nothing special about stair sets u dont even need to ollie extreemly high it does help if u want to clear the stairs though. but if u like throwing ur self off high places then u dotn need to olle. newayz key factors in stairs im scared of long stairs sometimes to get my confidence up i have to jump them with out the board so i can tell my self it is possible, then i do a bailing ollie which is no fun cuz it hurst when u hit the ground then i try to land it notice how i said try. speed is very helpful in clearing stairs make sure u have a good long runway, ollie at the very last inch of the stairs in otherwords ollie as late as u can. stay on that board use ur front foot to level urself out sometimes if u dont have a good enough pop the board will fall away from ur feet if ur jumping get a good pop. make a clean ollie and hold it for as long as u can. when u land make sure u spot ur landing mean ing u know where ur ganna land strech ur legs out a little to get theboard to touch the ground then urself u should absorb the impact like a accordian dotn be afriad of going fast in the air and landing it thats what scared me at first just stay in the center of the board and keep ur balance.
Read 4 comments
holy shit. i don't understand jackshit about skateboarding. guess you gotta be a true skater. rock on.
u spelled it right. yeah i'm a sweet kid with a sweet comment icon. ur jealous. don't lie. i rock. :)
I'm going to comment here 'cause it's a newer entry, and you'll look cool with more comments. Everyone loves comments. Heh ^^; Anywho. I'm so not hardcore...Haha..But that's coool. I'm an emo kid, and I love Brand New and..Yes. I'm rambling. -shuts up-
Hey, Matthew! I kinda got what you said about the color changing thing. Like, I know where it is and stuff, but I don't know how to change it. I understood where to go, but I don't understand what to do to change it! But thanks for trying to help me out. And hey, you're getting more and more comments! Yay for you!