mmm sacralisious -homer j simpson-

Alright lets get my religion and beliefs straight. unlike most of my friends i believe in jesus, i believe in god too. i believe in the trinity and i have convinced myself that they are real and what not, but what i dont believe in is fucking american christians. they make me sick. thats why i dont give a fuck what i say because u guys are all hypocrits sure u might say u love god when u go to church and shit but like the min after u leave church ur off fucking some guy with no arms or no legs the fucking retards kari houston for one thing. thanks to u church goers i have no recpect for u god or anybody else for that matter. so it seems when u convert people to christianity all that america is telling people and kids is that ur going to hell. ur going ot hell this ur going to hell that fuck u prick ur going to hell its sad but i do know more about the biblical text then u every will so dont fucking quote the bible to me u bible fucker. u guys are just the blind leading the blind. telling people there going to hell if u dont believe in jesus what the fuck u dont scare people in to a religion u fucking hypocrit and i hate most of ur guys's youth pastors all theydo is preach to u about how the world is evil turn ur back on ur friends ur music yea well thats all and good but fuck u why dont u take ur own advice take the fucking plank out of ur eye before u yell at us about our splinter in our own eyes. secound yelling at kids isnt a way to win them over it gets them more pissed off at stuff there isnt that much to be pissed off at. ur just making things worse and worse so why not leave it to the real people who actually believe in god u fucking wannabe jews. one last thing im not to blame ethier i make mistakes hell i like making mistakes but when u go around telling people about how bad they are and ur stumbling over ur own feet, thats whats getting u closer and closer to hell mother fuckers, see u there
Read 7 comments
i did NOT see that coming
but oh fuck all that shyt is true!
im so on ur side on all that.
even the most religeous person has fucked up.
you do drugs, have sex with girls, cuss all you want, and kill those who deserve to be killed. you are still goin to heaven. but once you start abusing religion (i.e. guilting those to join in) then you will be going to hell. so have fun in the heat you damn "american christians"
i dont think just stubbs fucked kari houston...shes quite the bicycle...HAIL SATAN
yea...guys get me really angry.
my christmas and new years was pretty good. got lots of presents so it was cool. pissed bout new years tho. didnt get to drink much.
how was urs?

lmao u saw dodgeball. wasnt it sooo funny! go ahead, make ur jokes, Mr. Jokey Joke-maker

well ttyl hun
I don't like Christianity, simply because it seems to say, God creates everything beautiful...God does everything right. God owns anything that is right in the world, but anything that is wrong, a sin, that is your own fault. Basically any talent you have is God's gift...and any fault you have is your own fault. That's bullshit.
well said mattie.
love you
Hey Matthew!

Wow, I have always wanted to say that to people, but you beat me to it! Like I would ever write anything like that anyways...

Today, we had to practice our dance thing and we changed the song from Barbie girl to some Backstreet boys song. This stupid wanna be Britney Spears girl was getting on my nerves, though. DANG! She can't dance to save her life!!

Well, I will talk to you tonight after you get off work.
