
Feeling: blah
Wow, 100 entries. Can you believe it? I can't. I always thought I'd give up after like 10. Shitty week, glad its over. Wont go into teh details. MUSIC CHANGE: Motley Crue - If I Die Tomorrow This is the best song ever. It is so killer. The vid is awesome too. The two pics up top are from the vid. By the way, whadda think of the new look? I like it. Red and black are my new favourite colours. I need more black and red clothes. Haha, we got to play with acid and fire in Science yesterday and today. It was awesome. The teacher had to tell me to stop playing with the lighter. I'm not a pyro... fire is just cool. Its been so quiet in Science and Math the past few days. The amazing thing is, today, I got all my Math work done. Amazing. Everyone needs to be absent more often. Me and Dillon are planning to go to NY next year if they still have it. We're going to go out in the public with shorts on and say "Nice summer y'all got here!" We're also going to trash hotels and junk. It will be great. Ok, I am once again happy. Things actually turned out good for once and I am happy. I think I should stop listening to depressing/emo music. Yes, that is what I will do... tommorow. Later y'all. :D "I don't like this feeling, think I'm slowly losing my mind."
Read 6 comments
no NY next year....fire is kool, i agree
lmao about the shorts in NY idea.
Congrats on 100.

Damnit. Someone said they did scream.
Lying little bastard.
YAY!!! Happiness! ^-^ all better now eh! =D =D look i am back to my crazy self too! bye!
*spins out of the page*
Hey I just wanted to let u know that I am no longer a diarer! I have moved to Myspace! Here is my link if you want to keep in touch! :)


wow freaking awesome stuff going on. but hey, I beat everybody in LASER TAG! (I'm still going on about this 4 days later because laser tag is b.i.g here in ky so if I beat everybody then I am,like, a rockstar baby! lol
hooray for slashness :)
and motley crueness
and happiness
and trashing hotels