It is not 1>2 but rather 1=2.

I started to write this is a lecture today because I knew I'd get here and find nothing to write.

The name. It was given to me by my 'significant other', the big spoon of my life. I went with it for the sheer reason the username I wanted was too long by 2 characters.

I had other stuff written down on my paper but it has no purpose being up here.

Side note - this is my third online diary. The other 2 I became an irregular user of and I'm not really expecting this to be any different. Great saying which is relevant - "Time will tell."

So in the lecture I was in when I started my ideas for this page started with the lecturer (male) yelling at the class to "Shut up" which led me to the men thinking they are better than woman argument which is a constant topic in my household.

There's this site, which seems to be worshipped by the penis of the afore mentioned household of mine. It's bullshit. The author (a guy naturally) has obviously had trouble with women in his life. I don't consider either gender "better" than the other when generalizing but sure in certain areas it is definitely true. Anyway here are my thoughts to support women being better than men (in certain fields.)

1-Birthing kids: it's so obvious and yea it is numero uno. Women freaking rule for being able to do this and I don't think we get the due credit for it. Without women there would be no one. Some would argue that we need men to get babies, well those are the people who haven't heard about the new procedure of using a women's bone marrow as the sperm, with which to artificially inseminate that women's egg and produce a child. Now the only thing is the child would be a female but there is nothing wrong with that.

2-Women invented these:

-disposable cell phone

-windshield wipers

-disposable diapers


-Newborn Scoring System

-new better way of processing film

-probe to remove cataract lenses

-an indestructible and fireproof building material (geobond)

-non-reflective glass

-the worlds first useful antifungal antibiotic (nystatin)

-maritime signal flares

-radioactive metals

-leukemia fighting drug 6-mercaptopurine and drugs that facilitated kidney transplants

-petroleum refining method

-discovery of insulin

-natural cotton

-and the list goes on and on and on.

3-Famous women in history who did cool things, which, if you don't know you should go google:


-Joan of Arc

-Queen Elizabeth I

-Deborah Sampson

-Elizabeth Cady Stanton

-Lucy Stanton

-Florence Nightingale

-Clara Barton

-Elizabeth Blackwell

-Marie Curie

-Helen Keller

-Beatrix Potter

-Charlotte E. Ray

-Mary Francis Winston Newton

-Amelia Earhart

-and again the list goes on and on and on.

Other various ideas jotted down on my paper:

-why is it women in history have been the ones to stay at home and raise the children? Is it simply that men lack the ability to raise the next generation?

-Adam & Eve. In Bibles that have pictures you only ever see the leaves hiding the privates when both parties are present (and exposed.) Does this mean Eve brought the idea of clothes with her to Earth? And why was Adam given Eve? Because he was lonely was what we were told. Maybe he just couldn't do anything for himself. And why did God give him a women? If it was purely baby related God could have given him another man and given the OK to homosexuals but no God chose to give Adam a women so he obviously thought a women would be beneficial to the situation. And if it wasn't for Eve then Adam wouldn't have lived vicariously. I mean yea sure she got them kicked out of the garden but he tasted the best apple of his life - because of Eve.

Men think the world revolves around them. Heck they probably even think they make the world revolve at times. My point of all this is to try and show the equality of the sexes. Give women the due credit they deserve. And stop treating them like the lesser of the sex because when you give them the chance they can do awesome things.

Big Spoon: when you read this (not an issue of if) I hope that you will alter your attitude, if even only in the slightest. Something is better than nothing right?

It's like asking Red to become green with you.


Read 1 comments
there's a bit in the last george carlin book, when will jesus bring the pork chops?, that talks about how women have things much harder than men in life. it's quite interesting, even if only meant initially for comic relief. =P
it's a pretty long thing; if you get frustrated with men, check it out sometime. (=