
Argh crap stupid thing made the typed text disappear. In short: Rob and I got a new bed, christened it, had awesome nights sleep. Kids are great: big one saying things I want to write down to show her when she is 21 and little one developing a strong attachment to her father - except when he was flying her last night and knocked her into the wall a bit too hard and she donked her noggin. Exam time at uni: I wish my head was like a computer where you could insert more RAM. Other news - I'm going to aqua aerobics tomorrow to see what it's like and I finally got to the darn gym last week. Not eating shit food is going well except for the weekend just gone - I had some fish and chips and pizza and it fucked with my guts as they aren't used to anything containing crap. Back to living on good stuff.

Anyway have to get my train ticket and head to the library.

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