Smile, child. Please.

Love is when your 3 year old daughter brings you a jumper because she hears you mention you are cold. Gosh she makes me happy.

Except when she is sad. Which is pretty much anytime you mention anything to do with her father. The child will go to her numerous aunties and uncles, grandparents and friends without any issue. But her father comes within range of her and BAM she is inconsolable. Every week he does something to upset her and I am left to piece her back together. She tells me she dislikes him for taking her nail polish off, she dislikes him for waking her when she is tired, she dislikes him when he doesn't give her enough to eat. As a 3 year old these things matter. She told me she didn't want 2 houses, she only wanted 1 - Mummy's house. I tried explaining the awesomeness of having 2 houses - 2 beds, 2 sets of toys, 2 toothbrushes. She didn't take to any of it. No matter what my issues or anybody else's issues with him are, I want my daughter to have a decent relationship with her biological father.

But alas I can't do anything more but be there for her.

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