Reliving times past.

Don't fret precious I'm here, step away from the window

Go back to sleep.

Memories. A conversation triggered one. One I like.

I remember the day we took Scott's car up the mini mountain by the motorway.

I remember the heavily pregnant chick and her then mister, me, my little baby and a then mister.

I remember 4 of us and a baby capsule making our way to the top just to mung.

I remember it was a fun, happy afternoon where the sun shone down on us.

I remember the laughter from putting the snow chains on Scott's car in an attempt to see which car would make it furtherest up the mountain.

I remember Scott' car winning. Then getting stuck. Then my idea getting us unstuck and off the mountain.

I remember going back to that mountain not long after that and fucking.

Fucking reminds me of Richard.




My children are in bed, not before telling me they loved me though. They have had a fantastically awesome day, we all did. I like parties. They like parties. And cake. Everyone loves cake.

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