Hey Baby, Here's That Song You Wanted.

Listening to: Blessthefall
Feeling: sick

I'm sickly. Cold and cough. Turns out Tyler has it too. Hah. I told him, "You gave me your cough over the phone." And he said he was sorry. Silly. I'm going to the doctor in a few. Hopefully it's nothing serious. It probably isn't. But I'm sort of leaning towards it being my bronchitis coming back to haunt me. That stuff hurt. Oh well. We'll see.

Tyler and I had a long talk yesterday. We're going to see each other soon. He's a great guy. I like him a lot. The only thing that's getting me is that some of the things he says reminds me of Harry. Bad? Yes. Like I said. I'm getting over it. Tyler's pretty amazing :)


March 3rd/4th :)))

I met him. He's adorable. All thanks to Nina. I was talking to her about him and she asked me if I had met him yet. And I said I didn't. She told me to call him. I did. I talked to him for a couple of minutes and then Nina said she wanted to talk to him. She talked to him a bit and then asked him if he thought I was cute, he said yes. She asked him if he had met me yet. He said no. She asked if he would like to meet me. And he said of course. She then said, "How about tonight?" My face- :O -> :D

We drove about 45 minutes. We met him and his friend Shawn. We drove on back roads listening to music and just talking about stuff. And he gave me butterflies :)

Nina told him that whenever we wanted to hang out we could. She would just need gas money sometimes. It was cool with all of us. And it made me extremely happy.

I had been awake for so many hours. No sleep. At all. Reasons? A lot going on. Me, Nina and Andrew. We hadn't slept in a while. I'd been with them for most of it. We went through it together.

March 4th/5th

I was the most grumpy person ever. Nina noticed. Andrew noticed. Nina said I wasn't Maleeha. I said, "I know." It's because I was so tired. My body was. My mind was racing. I'd been quiet most of the time.

March 5th/6th

I met Andrew's little brothers. Zach/Zack and Keenan [I'm assuming that's how you spell their names]. Keenan is the most adorable little kid I've seen in a long time. 12 years old. And he's shorter than me. He was quiet most of the time. Probably because he was observing us. Nina said he reminded her of Andrew. And I saw it too.

Nina, Andrew and I were all so tired. We just needed sleep. And this time we were tired out of our minds. We were just like, "I want to lay down and never get up."

In the last 72 hours we all had 4 hours of sleep. Total. When I got home. I talked to Tyler for a little bit. I realized it was Saturday and was so happy I slept for 10 hours. I still need more. And I'm probably going to crawl back into bed after I update this thing. I feel bad for Nina and Andrew because they have to work. Andrew's working two jobs and Nina's starting her new one. I'm happy for her. Andrew's working super hard for the both of them.

I'm pretty sure I get to see Tyler tonight :) I'm excited. Nina said, "forsure." I said, "I love you."

More sleep, here I come.

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