birthday party

Listening to: minor threat
Feeling: aggressive
ugh today was my fav. nephews b-day party at mc donalds. it was ok i mean alot of kids and sweaty feet smell. i took my lil siter cuz she and andrew have know each other a loooong time so she went and wouldnt leave my side. and then kelly who is andrews mom had her thong hangn out her pants and shes not a thin girl. it was sick but her brother is cute he had some crazy green eyes. and her other bro had pink hair it was great.wut else.......... not much elita is commming home sooon and hopefully i can live with her over the summer cuz i cant take it here nemore. or i can just go to this cutters home itsfor kids who "hurt themselfs" and u live there for 1-3 months depending how bad ur case is. ill be ther for yearslol. not saying that im wrose of the nebody i dont want any bitching comments. lol ummmmmm... o my friend worked the party today so me and my little bro hes 15 got all kinds of free stuff while the boss wasnt around it was great. well ill write later jess
Read 21 comments
write me back! cus i finally wrote YOU back... much luvz
Brunette. =] I used to be a blonde but, brunette is prettier. even though all my friends say Im blone. =(
Its all flippy at the bottom & I got loong ass bangs. =] I look so fucking rad it hurts. B]
I love your background the used are awesome
that's part of the deal. i own you now. ask no questions, hear no lies. i have no idea how that relates, but explaining that's not my job. my job is owning you. HA.
: P
minor threat kicks ass

thongs hanging out of some mother's pants are friggin scary.
no offence but birthdays suck. or mabe thats just me. well later.
o0o i love johnny damon...he's the coolest...but i like manny and ortiz too
the matches are awesome and i also seen them on there last tour the were so awesome live
I had music blaring so loud. The house was shaking! =) I had so much fun. I like ran around the house playing air guitar. [im sucha dork] ♥
This girl we didnt even know was saying shit then blamed it on cory. =/ so hes like mad as hell because she lied to them & everything. It was BAD! We didnt even know the girl, she was just there w/ one of my friends girlfriend. It was sucha long story & it was all so dumb. =/
we dont make them but i kno someone who does there user name is iconsforyou
i totally love your diary. come visit mine. i have tons of pictures but somehow a lot of them didnt show up. we only have like 1 comment so i think we should u?
Hey. Yea I don't know how I meet all the people that I do. LOL! I pretty much just act like I belong backstage and just go back lol! <3
hmmmmmmmmmmm that ice cream was good and that was terrible sight uky
I wanted to kill the girl! I hate liars so much.
you want me to poke your eyes out? are you talking about the song i quoted an entry or two back?? that's a squirrel song. it's foamy. either way, you're mine now! mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha*cough*
: P
love your background!
lol no i don't have dreds my hair is really curly it was all frizzy so that why it prolly looked like i did