Aww the PAIN

Listening to: 80's
Feeling: tranquil
So yesterday i got my toenail removed.....yes my toenail....ouch is right. Holy shit it hurt sho bad... The fucking shot only lasted for like 3 minutes....then whole tell i was saying to myself....dangerouslee dangerouslee to forget about the pain. Today, I have this huge ass bandage around my toe and tomorrow for school I am gonna have to show it off to the world because its too huge to fit in a sneaker. OH the torture it was yesterday to go to hip hop and sit down and watch my fellow have no idea how much i just wanted to jump up on the dance floor and do my thang. It was complete torture. So this weekend is gonna suck because im not going to JUMP!!! JUMP is a dance competition in Los Angles and my whole dance studio is going....except me...DAMN TOE!!! There is gonna be a hip hop battle there and everything and I cant participate in it...This sucks. o im now a Victoria Secret Model? or thinks my spanish class...what losers
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you are bedeviled, bewitched, captivated, consumed, controlled, dominated, engrossed, fiendish, fixated, gone, gripped, haunted, heavily into, held, hooked, immersed in, infatuated, into, overpowered, plagued, possessed, preoccupied, prepossessed, really into, seized, taken over, tied up, tormented, troubled, turned on
ever so dangerously
sorry about your toe meeg!
