what a fucking shitty ass day

Listening to: garbage
Feeling: wonderful
6 month celebration can go suck my ass....it wasnt even special....it was pretty gay let me tell u. i dont know what to do...this week is supposed to be a great week..i mean 6 month my brithday shopping homecoming...i mean theres a lot of shit thats supposed to make me happy...then why do i feel like shit right now? ***** ***** *****...... kiss my ********************************* liv dangerouslee
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I love you meag...
you are going to have a kick ass birthday tomorrow... i just know you will. you're the greatest friend ever, and you deserve to be happy. I'm sorry about your anniversary. shit happens. [miscommunication?] but no matter what there's always "tomorrow"
I think that you are just having a bad day....once the time is even closer then you'll feel alot better. :-)