Baby wont you help me understand..

Listening to: Jem - Maybe im amazed
Feeling: meh
My headphones are royally pissing me off right now...and i dont get mad easy.. frustrated, yes; but not mad... they keep fading in and out on one ear... grrr... and now i got bitched at from my dad... yeah life rocks..... ::rolls eyes:: Anyway..i guess my and my mom have been on good terms lately..i dont know..she hasnt given me much reason to be resentful at her lately.. Yesterday... yesterday was a mixed day for me.. Heres what pissed me off: Me and karen planned to go over Chanes house on saturday, a week before we were gonna go... Friday night she told me she couldnt go because tasha wanted to do something with her.. i was fine with her completely abandoning me for tasha, and chane seemed fine with it.. But then come saturday at like, 5, chane has an away message saying that him, tasha, and karen were having fun or hanging out...whatever, same thing.. that got me pissed.. i really dont feel like talking to any of them...if they didnt want me around, they coulda said so...i dont like being deceived to, lied to, and/or being abandoned or whatever... they dont get why im mad at them... So i just cant even be around them... Then my mom came home later and told me that she might be getting me a puppy..which ive wanted one for a while because my dog(and best friend) died in january, a fuckin car hit her and left her to die...she never usually went in the road, but she was chasing another dog off our property... fuckin people fuckin SUCK I dont even want the puppy...i wanted a large breed of a german shepherd (my other dog was a g.s), but noooo its a fuckin miniature pinscher/chihuahua... we have a chi., i dont like them.... but take what you can get.... but they were born on its gonna be like, jan. until i can get one... it really worth living? Today i went to walmart with my mom.. we got a bunch of things, like presents for cousins... i convinced my mom to buy me a giant stuffed dog for christmas....she took it away and is giving it to me ON christmas lol...but thats ok... She also got me something i wasnt allowed to see..even though by the receit i know its a 'zodiac clock'... i dont like zodiac signs...and i dont want a clock... but my mom was excited to get it or i couldnt tell her i wouldnt like it.. she doesnt know me at all..i told her that many times..but she is still convinced she does... i dont know... anyway..i got Jade a b-day present. its late, and she'll probably hate it, and it probably wont, i tried.. and i got my cats/ferrets treats as a x-mas present... i dont know... my brother just came by and started reading this out loud...god i hate my family... and my fuckin headphones...
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awesome gifs
It does mean something to me.

You mean something to me.

I'm really glad you take time to comment, because just takes a comment to know that I'm gongi to be ok.

Sorry I cant talk on aim, I'm writing my english paper...=/
lol i know how the mom thing is...she will buy me clothes when im not with her and that i dont like and when im shopping with her she wont buy it!! ARGHHH and i dont wanan hurt her feelings either....:(

oh and about the sucks how that situation is. Ive crushed on many guys and nothing happened with any of them..i guess its just bad luck. and i become too friendly with them and shit! ARGH