
Feeling: happy
Well Saturday wasnt so bad. My buddy Josh aka Jesus has cooled down from Halloween. Today I went to the moveis with his love interest or maybe former interest Carmen, her self inviting interest Andy, my love Tricia, and myself. We went to see Scary Movie 3. It sucked balls but whatever. Now spending two days with Andy I dotn dislike him as much. Sure I cant see him as a good friend but he is bearable to hang out with. Bearable may be a negitive way of saying it but I dont knwo how else to say it. So today wasnt bad at all. I got Carmen home early so her step mother will hopfully find us responsible. Got ot see Star Wars galixiy in action which is always nice. Tomorrow I have to see my buddy Agustine abotu some bases for my Heavy Weapons Teams. Need to make 6 teams with one 30 dollar one. Oh at borders I got Tricia a folklore and fairy book(her fav) and got myself Science of Superheros and In the Quest of the Hero which are three books in one. Hopfulyl these books helps me out on writing a comic with a co worker of mine. Great artist just sucks at story archs and I am always willinf to learn. Also I got Tricia and I sponge bob book marks. I got Patrick since I do his voice very well and she got Bob. We debit to switch so she can think abotu me and I can think about her but then we picked at random. Choose one out of a bag then take to oppisite. Well that was my day
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