Good times due

Im happy as hell. I havnt worried abotu anythign in a long while. I am more in love with Tricia then ever. I have been so touch feely with her too. I don't know why but I find her more attactive then ever. And I got a C on my thrid test in science but I still have a B average. History class is awesome een though I am nervoius as hell because the whole class comes down two test. So that sort of blows for me. This week we are due for the third chick of the week and I have one or two canidates. My b-day is coming up and I ordered my computer and I am getting a digi camera, which comes in the 13th. This long weekend was pretty good. Was with my cuz, saw my boy's band in action, almost bought a dildo with Tricia, had a relax july 4th, and saw spider-man 2. Oh and I fucking finally got my steel legion figures in. Fucking about time right too. Anyway Ill get you pervs the chick of the week,lol
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