This Friday

Itwasnt a bad day at all. I went to school and I took my muisic test and I know I got an A. Then I got paid and I came home to Tricia. She cleaned and we took a shower together. Then I went home ot get my extra cahs so I can go buy my Games-WorkShop figure case. Now my figures are no longer is a crappy box. Anyway we talked to missionies and went to taco bell. Funny thing that Tricia got to see two old friends. One being Tatiana(spelling?) and our old friend Carmen. Yes thats right Carmen. She went to the movies with us. I picked up Victor. His date stood him up but we went though the rest of the day and ate at Johnny Rockets which there food isnt bad but there shakes kick ass. Well worth the three bucks and some change. Anyway we went to see The Punisher which was a good movie. Its not totally to par of the comic but it has alot of the elements. I say it was good but the lines were a bit cheesy or underdone. Not as bad as the last matrix but you know. There was a bad situration between my cuz and Tricia. I talked to Victors and things were resolved. So my day wasnt so bad. Just hope tomorrow is good.
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