1st set of quotes

its hard to answer the question "whats wrong?" when nothings right.... underneath the make-up and the hair theres a little sign saying "handle with care" people think im all smiles but those people havent lived my life style... Got a smile on my face, a twinkle in my eye, only he knows when i wanna break down and cry you dont realize how much you care about some1 till they dont care a bout you its better to be hated for who you are then to be wanted for some1 ur not Maybe "one size fits all" doesnt fit me The person who always says what they think....doesnt always think always be a first-rate version of yourself instead of a second version as some1 else True happiness can be found in the most simplest things You tell me not to frown, i tell you iv forgotten how to smile Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it When we began to hate someone for who they are, we began to hate ourselves for who we are not --lemme know what ya think!--
Read 9 comments
rock on chicka! they're aweosme!!! lol keep postin them! lol and put that one on there.....the one about you'll do anything for him lol luv yas!
hey!!! wow! they TOTALLY ROCK! i love that u made these up urself! ur a natural! lol! love ya!! ...mrz
wow..these are so kewl. rock on
Quotes are sexy!
good job! i actually like thouse... and there not dirty!!! lol just kidding l u -
nice......:P lol that's cool that you can think of these!!!:D... keep it up there cuz!!! :P lol ttyl byebye

love always,
hey girl! its me again! i just wanted to remind u that i read all ur quotes in ur book at ur house! and i think u should put number 33 on here bcuz i LOVE that one! haha! thanks! love ya! ..mrz
Those quotes are really cute, and I looooove your layout!!!!
