Its been awhile, so i decided to put up some quotes! these aren't by me, just to let ya know! ENJOY! Guys drink to forget about girls. Girls drink to think back about the guy. When guys are in love, they become poor. When girls are in love they become pretty. Guys can forget, but can't forgive. Girls can forgive but can't forget. Guys break up when they feel love from another girl. Girls break up when they feel the separation from their man. Guys feel curiosity towards all girls. Girls feel curiosity towards guys who are interested in them. When guys are heartbroken they try to forget about the girl by going out with another girl. When girls are heartbroken they try to find his characteristics in another guy. But finally, guys wish to be her first love, girls wish to be his last. Words don't seem too come easy when I need them oh-so badly. Here's to playing tug of war with my vocal chords. Trapped mainly by wanting things to be exactly as they are, only better. Leaning out as far as she can, hoping she'll fall soon, so she can stop worrying about whether it will happen or not. -Brian Andreas One does not like to generalize about so many people all at once, but you may be sure that men know nothing about their hearts, whether they be six-and-twenty, or six-and-eighty. -Emma Wait for the right guy, but in the mean time-- have fun with all the wrong ones 11-12-06 You know how when you're making a snow angel and you wanna make it perfect, but you can't cause there's always that hand print when you climb out? Well with him -- there's no handprint -Snow Day 11-13-06 As long as we can love each other, and remember the feeling of love we had, we can die without ever really going away -Mitch Albom, Tuesdays With Morrie 11-20-06 Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.-Albert Einstein 11-29-06 Character is made by many acts, but it can be destroyed by a single one.
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thats a lot of quotes and stuff but they're good! haha :)