rename your picture top_left.gif(or whatever)
uh i already did that, dint work :(
i race not that often but when i can, unfortunately, my family says skool come first muddafucker!! stay away from my drugs
*shrugs* I have no idea how to do it hehehe is it ok if I add you on my friends list back? you write a good read yourself!
rename it to top_left.gif or jpg
Dentists suck.. unless they're cute, which I have the fortune of picking up the cute ones. r0x0r ;)

Dudeicantbelieveit(btwthis isDorylover:-)udidn't evenmentiontherasmusgig SHAMEONU!!hehehehowcomeyourdiarylookssomuchkoolerthanmine?uneed2teachmek? xxx
dude this jas nothin to do with your diary entry but it is SUNNY whoo hoo i love the sun!!
