241)just bored as usual

Feeling: torn
i think i should go to sleep actually but Lauz is coming home in a couple of hours n i said i would go meet her. this summer is a disapointment after last i have to say tho it hasnt been bad just less friendly lol. had quite a good night on tues despite being the only girl :s sometimes it ok not to have girls around they get bitchy and sneaky and stuff and they always going off in corners to talk about private stuff. guys just dont do that! i discovered that im worse at pool when im sober and im really bad when im drunk so tats saying something! i av a sore head :( lou is being really shit at texting back as usual ggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrr oooh dance music :) reminds me o last summer :) im looking forward tot his year actually :) i mean like 6th year i know we already in the 8th month of this YEAR im looking at pics of tattoos as usual, unfortunately all the places where i want one are hella sore :( but i i will live i am sure blah i cant be assed to type anymore
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hey dude i am so confuse just came on my diary and well all my friends have been deleted and something happened to my password weird huh?