There's just something about Jimi

dear god i love elliott smith. i do not think that i could list all the things that i love. i have attempted, but have only accomplished a mere fraction of an atom of my realm of love. i love so many things, and i love that i love them. i love castles made of sand with every atom of my being. There's just something about Jimi. i bet i could list all my pet peeves. not that doing that would help anything at all, it in fact would be quite meaningless and a waste of energy. i prefer expending energy on things that i love. but i do know that listing all my peeves is possible. and this makes me happy. as i know that i don't have too many peeves, and i could fit the few that i inhabit on a mere peice of paper. that is a very good quality that i love as well. i love that i love more than i hate.
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I haven't really "kept it nicely" per se. I don't update it regularly, and I'm finding a larger distaste for it with each passing day.

I liked this entry a lot by the way. It's good to see optimism in a world of the opposite.

Have a good holiday Chelsea.

This is Garrett, I got a new username on sitdiary. I thought maybe you should know.

Oh and I totally copied your layout too, because it is the hottest thing I have ever seen in my entire life.

I really wish I had a cool picture of me to put up on here, like you have done, but alas- I am without any.

That picture of you is amazing though. Make it into a poster or something.
