Petheticly immature

Feeling: defeated
I should feel extremely cliche for devoting an entire entry to a "disappointment" in my life. but i am extremely frustrated. i have just been informed by my parents of a change in their schedual plan for the Martin Luther King weekend. They have moved their vacation to March, and have decided to make me go with them. This minor change of schedual completely defeats all planning of the shin dig(s) that i have been making so far. There will be no party that weekend. There will be no fun that weekend. There will be no relaxation that weekend. There will be no zoning out that weekend. There will be no party, and i want to cry. now i need to undo everything that i have already done for the party. and that will be a bitch. i feel like the kid in Dazed and Confused who orders the kegs of beers, and they're delivered before his parents leave; thus allowing his parents to find out, and ruining all plans he had for fun.
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