Footprints make you follow where the sky loves the sea

I am now, and shall be until spring, an official applicant of the University of California. Once my dad filled out all the billing information, he stepped away from my computer and let me click the submit button. Although it was a mere click of the mouse, for some reason that didn't stop me from become extremely nervous over the entire ordeal. As I was waiting for my dad to overview my application, I saw my entire high school career flash before my eyes. I felt like I should have been crying, but then again I have chronically dry eyes, so that was out of the question. Even now as I sit an hour after the process has been completed, I feel as if I've just reached the top of an enormous fence that I've been climbing since freshman year, and only now will I begin my journey down the other side.
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your comment about dry eyes made me laugh. It was such an emotional post until that point. We kick ass and I hope we get into great skools - fe