Unexpected state

Feeling: thrilled
I've fallen out of the routine of fooling myself into happiness. I am not at all sad, but I have rather come to the conclusion that I do not need to state that I am happy to be happy. I've made such a deal about optimism, happiness, and positive emotion; but I've found that I don't need to prove anything to myself-I am content with being inherently happy. After a glorious night's sleep last night I awoke-quite suprised-to find that dawn had come, and Friday had arrived. I went about my daily morning routine in a trance as I normally do; with music blasting in the background as usual. It was not until we had reached Foothill Road that my eyes had fully opened, and I was completely awake. I admit it had been quite a long time since I've looked for the islands. They were extremely hard to miss this morning-for the clear, dry air offered the best viewing spectacle. Although I was entranced by the islands, I found myself quite disappointed to be without sight of the arch. It is rare to see the islands as clear as they were this morning, and even more rare to see the orb of blueness peaking from the middle of land on the end of Anacapa. I suppose I was disappointed of its lack of appearance because I had expected to see it. I brushed this aside and continued with my viewing of the islands until they disappeared behind the suburbia that floods the east end. I entered another day of fine education, and exited high on caffine and the simple word: friday. Later, upon arrival at Spencer's house for a trip downtown, I managed to catch a secondary glance of the islands. Suprising as it was, they were in fact more limpid than the few hours since morning; the smog and haze had not phased them, and they shone more brightly than the last time I had laid eyes on them. While in awe of such scenery, I moved my eyes ever so slightly to the left, where I was astonished to see the arch. I had not expected this in the least way-let alone even seeing the islands in general. But what made it so special was seeing it in an unexpected state. The hour had given much life to the sky; as its firey oranges and complimentary blues painted the horizon, while the dark Channel Islands became increasingly silohuetted. It was a fantastic moment, and it brought me to the realization that good things do come to those who wait; especially in unexpected instances.
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