este es un refugio

the culmination of the year is approaching in a fashion that i did not quite expect. the pride i had in myself last year has faded with my downfalls and grades this year. I remain happy and optimistic, yet tarnished, and every bit as mildly self centered I was the previous year Depsite the numerous occasions that ugly pronoun is used throughout this entry, and this diary as a whole "I" really is getting old. Colleges expect the accomplishments of the "I" while teachers encourage it. But what does the conscience behind the "I" do when it feels that "I" is used to frequently? Quick to judge, criticize, ditch, slack, work, doing everything and anything that is not told to be done. Even the words the fingers type out onto the plastic keys have no value. Optimism is still the driving force that fuels the vehicle of self however. Positive thinking has become a cliche obstacle, and the issue of cliche has already been addressed. The constants of the experiment are breath, color, water, and sun, but only a quarter of the variables remain to be determined.
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