Quite the Sight

Feeling: content
Epiphany is quite possibly the most apt word to describe today. Though I did not stumble across some amazing theorem, turn my life 380 degrees around, or find God in a new light, I was successful in achieving complete, concentrated, happiness that is good to last me a great amount of time. This period of happiness lasted beginning with the inebriated bus ride through sublime ventura, to the point while I was sitting in the car avoiding entering church. This day-and weekend in general-has been so incredibly beautiful, I sincerely do not know how anyone could not notice our fortune...IT IS BUT JANUARY! After returning from The Ringer last night with Stephannie, Chris, and Tristan, Kevin called me with the information that himself, Sid, Jon, Shane, Alex, and Garrett were heading over to visit me and hangout in the front yard. This was a most enjoyable time; as cars were being illegally driven, skateboards were being raced, and jokes were being profusely produced. I greatly enjoyed myself, and was strangely delighted to find that I had "christened" my skateboard by the end of the night-by cutting my foot and leaving some DNA in the form of blood on its deck. Perhaps I am "disgusting" or "twisted" to see this find as an achievement, but c'est la vie; I was excited. I have also found that-due to my profuse shoeless skateboarding over the weekend, I have worn the ball of my left foot raw, and should have a wonderful callus within the next few weeks. Perhaps this is also twisted, but a good callus will soon allow for pain and shoe free rides. I really have grown to adore my skateboard. Though humble in my skill, the feeling I experience while speeding down an empty street is unmatchable by any other means. Hopefully this new hobby will remain with me; as I believe a 60 year old skateboarding woman would be quite the sight.
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If you ever want to kill me for some reason, give me a skateboard.