Silent Memories

Listening to: \"F.O.D\" Greenday
Feeling: antisocial
Life moves on... Slowly and without reason. Things go bad and yet still we move on... Because no matter what we do... We have no real control. You can't fight your destiny.. Or so they say. But next time the world tries to knock me down I'll stand up and fight. I refuse to be pushed around... I refuse to allow those stronger then me to rule my life. What's the point in living if your life isn't yours to live? If you can't make your own decisions and mistakes, why bother at all? Random thoughts like this have been rambling on and attacking me ever since I left Medford.. Why? I haven't the slightest idea. I'm on vacaton now.. In the middle of the school year. I should be enjoying myself shouldn't I? Instead I'm freezing my ass off in this little college town. Wishing I was actually enrolled in this school so I'd have something to do today. Something actually worth doing. I have so much to do when I get home that I'm getting antsy. Going insane actually. People keep suggesting I do random things. One of them happened to be make a xanga.... So I did that... lol Fun isn't it? It's just like everyone elses.... Only not as cool... Simply because I haven't done anything to it yet. N I still need to do this one... It's as blank as my future. I haven't made any decisions as to what I'd like to do... Who I'd like to be... And where I'd like to live. Well, that's not true, actually, I have. I want to be a Criminal Psychologist... Live anywhere but Medford... That town will kill me some day... and be me. Usually everyone wishes me good luck and moves on when they hear that one... Are you going to, too? Since people are like pets... You are your Mother's and Father's pets... All your responses are preprogramed by society. I'm guessing that the majority of you would say no.. You'd say you wouldn't wish me luck and get the hell away from me. You'd probably wish me luck and continue on with our conversation.. Maybe.... But in real life... I bet you wouldn't. Silent Memories I'm nothing but these memories that slowly fade away.. Silent as the night... Without all the lights... Like these memories I slowly fade away. Further from you I hide... Hidden deep inside.. You've grown old.. Your memories are gone... I have grown cold.... Silent and part of the haze... As your last memory fades... Your life seeps away... I say to you... My last few words... Goodbye for now my love... Your life has been long... Mine has been wrong... For I am nothing but these memories that slowly fade away...
Read 5 comments
why the limit on comment lines? well, anyway.... You're not a silent memory... Funny eh, how little things remind me of friends, like you! I'm here fo
r ya kiddo.... just lean on me when you're not strong, and i'll be your you carry on.... very lame line, i know, but it fits eh? -Aaron
That is so complted, I couldnt have made anything better with that line.
yeah true I so Did know youd read it... but then again you didnt know the link so I didnt exactly think ya woulda, and ya im so happy with him around
you are really good with words Roxy, i thought i was but some of the stuff you say is pretty deep, i wonder, is all this always in that mind of yours?