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Feeling: audacious
lol Nice.. I'm feeling spirited and orriginal.. I suppose audacious just about covers it. There isn't much to update.. I'm waiting for my vatti to take me to school.. Which means I prolly oughta slip on my shoes... eh.. Screw it. I'll go with flip flops again. I feel all grungey.. Good thing I don't look it. Daniel didn't recognize me when he saw me today.. Said he's used to a sassy look... Mmm never listen to Dan. He doesn't pay attention to anything but your tits and your ass. What else? Oh.. I moved in with my vatti again. I think I said I'd never ever come back to his home once. But as long as we stay clear of eachother everythings good. Uhm.. Oh yeah.. Jessica is back in town. I get to say baby Trenton today!! Yay! I haven't seen him yet, except in pictures. He's supposed to be absolutely gorgeous. I'm sure he is. I mean, look at Jessica. She's deffinately gorgey. Allie's supposed to be bringing over my Skunk. I dunno when she's gonna get here but it better be soon.. Oi.. It's 4:20... Gotta go push at dad to take me to school. Hope all is well with whoever reads this thing.. Though for a few people I know it's not. Hugs <3's n crup, Roxy
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I'm just gonna leave an anonymous comment, coz you know it's me, right? ;)) Take a picture of Skunk! I wanna see her! And flip flops rock! <3