Thoughts. Ha.. Bet that surprised ya. Of course I can think!

Feeling: achy
In Response to: Ya well I cant sign in considering I'm at school but hey, your not pathetic... because like well if you where.. then that means the whole worlds doomed to hell. okay sorry about having to make this two comments but sitdiray decieded i had already typed to much, d0ra luv ya (Previous comment on "Wow, I'm pathetic") I must say... that the world certainly wouldn't be doomed to hell. I might be. But that's a completely different story.. N not something I'd like to share right now. Anyways, the only way in my opinion that the world is doomed is for the people to give up hope. Without the hope for something better there'd be no ambition to do anything.. and we wouldn't have any of these lovely amenities... Like Cars.. n Microwaves.. and Lights.. All of which produce small doses of some form of radiaton.. Supposedly causing many unexplained aches in pains.. But still! Without stuff like this.. many talentless bachelors would die. Or move back home with their 'rents. I personally think the 'rents would be worse!! Haha Sorry I just got asked... "Why do you call them 'rents?" Because... That's pretty much all they're good for.. But shhhh.. I just said.. Because... I dunno. I just do. Ah. I love acting like an idiot. It's a lot of fun. But of course... I do thank you for your support Winks. I heart you! Let's see.. What'd I do today? Mmm I woke up at 8 am to my soon to be step sis saying.. "Good morning sunshine. It's 8 am and what a beautiful morning it is!" My reaction... :| lol That was interesting.. Wonder if she was high... Anyways... "Blah blah blah, I'm going to get a job today.. You should too!!" My response... "Uh.. Nah. I'll go back to sleep.. Don't get in trouble.. Both 'rents are home.. Your kinda early to sneak people in." N of course... She got caught.. Must've jinxed her. I'm unlucky like that. hehe. Oi.. What else? Oh.. I cleaned the house.. N then watched movies till dad got home at 3 took over the tv and made me do more cleaning. The last bit was kind of harsh.. "vaccum" he says. I feel like shouting now "Too bad the vaccum was busted!!" N laughing because.. I find it funny and extremely pathetic that while vaccuming.. My vaccum. Peice of crup that it is.. Exploded.. N I nearly died from smoke inhalation. (Probably an overexageration.. But it's been an hour and I still can't breathe.) That's it.. That's all I did today. Except cancel my plans for this evening.. I've got a massively bad feeling about the orriginal plans tonight. "You know.. Either clean your bedroom or shut the door." Gah.. Can I shout.. "Shove it up your fucking ass you deuche? Please?!?? *bats her eyes* Come on..." lol Couldn't get away with it.. It's either a roach infested motel or my dads.. Stupidly I picked my dads. ha. The roaches are looking pretty damn good right now.. * absolutely hates roaches * Gah. Who am I kidding.. I'll stay here.. Be good... and clean the room.. Mmm nothing else worth saying really. So I'm going.. Hugs, Roxy
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*Beats up roxys dad* thake that turd head! you make a good point,im to lazy to sign in so this is good enough
*winks* i typed this to waste the text!