Over stepping the line.

Listening to: "Burittos" Sublime
Feeling: awkward
Yesterday, I crossed my own boundaries... Mentioned that which I'd like to forget. By sharing my thoughts from yesterday... my memories of the past. I knew better to do that. But I don't feel like deleting it. I said I'd keep up. If I delete it or edit it in anyway it wouldn't be the same. It really wouldn't work right with anything. It's been a long time since I crossed my personal boundaries.. The last time I did it.. I was 7 or 8 and I lied to my mother. I'm sure I would've done it more had she and my father not been divorced. When my mom was gone I made a point not to lie to my father.. That's just stupid... I knew him well enough. Protecting myself was the first thing I did.... Again, I'm delving into the past... I'll shut up now. Have a nice day ya'll... Gonna go. Hugs, Roxy
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looking into your past is crossing boundries in your eyes?
Thats a good thing though, You cant ever make things better by ignoreing them, Stepping over the boudaries is what makes you grow, Whats done is done and you cant change that, but what you can change is how things are going right now, its not easy but.... If I could change who I was.... what I was dealing with, so can you even if it takes a while. sorry for my rambling advice. You prolly know more things than I anyway.