Transferring to Hidden Valley High

Listening to: Pieces By Static X
Feeling: bitter
I spent most of the day coloring and thinking of the situation my family is in. Fun stuff. Really it was. I promise. I enjoyed coloring but that's about it. My family is all fuckered up and I've come to accept that. I'm just worried about certain ill members of the human race. Certain ones I've grown to love. I'm starting to miss my friends.. Big deal huh? Like that's anything. I'm filling out my transfer slip.. Mom's gonna kill me. I didn't let her help me. Big fucking deal. I'm listening to my dad's fiancee's kids talk about being done with all "these flail artists." Sounds a lot like my friends. Idiots. Mixed in with the drug scene for lack of something to do. Great isn't it? I dunno I sound bitter. Maybe because I am? Oh well. I'm over it. It's your turn. But is it? I dunno. I'm gonna go back to coloring. I need something to do while I think. That works the best I suppose. I'd love to be working on my scrap book. Too bad it's in a box like the rest of my crup. Oh well.. Again.. I'm gonna go.. Have fun all. I love ya.. Really I do. Sorry if I've been a bit of a bitch today!! Hugs, Roxy
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I MISS MY FRIENDS TOO..... well okay so not really sense i see them all the time but that still is somthing haha.
