how bitter ive become

ok so I have had like the worst day ever. I woke up twenty minutes till the bus and this would have been plenty of time if i didnt have to take a shower so i havd to rush and get ready in like five minutes then my first block tescher was being creepy and mean like usual.( she has chest hair that looks like pubs it makes me wanna throw up) ok so school itself was ok nothing very eventful except for third i got to make a complete idiot of myself which is always fun and then i get on the bus this is where the day made a turn for the worst, people were messin with my stuff as usual and i dont mund them tkain my purse b/cuz i can just walk over and take it and i dont mind them writing stupid stuff in my notebook like suck my balls in spanish but today they took my book and i got really mad and they hid it so i cussed them all out and told them the next time it happens im kicking their butts which isnt ajoke im tired of their crap ok and also today my cuz's b/f and a nother friend of ours went to 7 11 which is like 5 mins by bike and got us slurpees. so they give me mine and im drinking it and they talk about putting crap in it which last time it turns out they did so i got really mad so i threw it at my cuz's b/f! it was quite mean yet quite entertaining then i get home and no ones there still so me and my cuz start to make dinner and the dish washer starts leaking ok so my uncle trying to fix the problem and he was gone to go get drano and my dad fills both sinks up with water to the top knowing that it wouldnt drain well so the dish washer starts leaking again but way worse and im trying to explain to him what happened and hes just cussing me out saying its my fault and that i need to talk to him with more respect or im gonna get my ass beat. and all i did was try to talk to him so then he proceeds to eat dinner and has now fallen asleep on the couch ok and sumthin like that happened yesterday my dad got up from watching tv in the living room so i went their to watch tv and couldnt find the remote so i said whatever and left to watch tv in my room well a little while later he goes to watch tv and he cant find the remote so he starts cussing me out like gina where did u put the remote i was like i dont have it i ahevnt seen it since u had it bullshit i didnt lose it help me look for it ive already looked all in the living room and i couldnt find it shut the fuck up help me so i walk in the kitchen and its just sitting in there well neways i just wish there was sumthin that could cheer me up!!!
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One bright day, Late at night. Two dead boys got up to fight. Back to back they faced each other, drew their swords and shot one another. A deaf policemen heard the noise. He came and killed those two dead boys. If you don't believe this lie is true. Ask the blind man, he saw it too.