The Bitch Is Back

Feeling: headachy
ow ow ow...i think its a mixture of being too hot and the vodka last night and sleeping oddly and too much noise my head hurts soooo much but last night was great it sounds pathetic but i managed to take about three shots of vodka in total, but for me thats really good 'cause i couldnt even smell the stuff before. Then it was annoying because i've turned out to be a depressive drunk, whereas abbie and amber are hyper and happy drunks. i dont think i actually got drunk but i went all sad for a bit. then i perked up and ran about with amber outside and then i turned into tipsy happy drunk :D then abbie leapt on amber and that was the last i heard of them for about an hour. i have re-discovered aerosmith and im loving it YAY!! my pc works again! i have become addicted to su-doku, a number placing puzzle int the times every morning but i have the book so mah. i dont know if im going swimming tonight because mairi is off on a dirty weekend with colin and is getting back today but i dunno what time. ow ow ow my head hurts i did get annoyed though because i really wanted to be drunk, and i tell people i dont drink, althought i want to get proper drunk every now and then...but not drink if you get my drift... but then when i do drink to get drunk adn dotn get drunk it means i have to drink next time so i can finish my aim, which means ill ahve to drink again, and its a viscious cycle. oh to hell with it who cares anyway? awww i love my friends
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yay happy happy Amy, and I love her :) I didnt think I was a "I love you lots" sort of drunk but I was to should feel special for that :P and now you are an improved drunk, its better to do it with people who aren't going to let you die, at a party it isn't so god to get drunk