its never going to be the same..i think i like it that way.

Listening to: konstatine by SoCo
Feeling: amazed
well, i went to the boys night out show at the local hang out for me..Alley Katz. if you are ever in RVA check that out. tons of rad bands come through.Anywho, chrissy's sister took us there and we had to park obviously so,an old man with two teeth told us we didnt need to put money into the box because it was his boss' parking, we were like okay. then, we get into the (Walnut) Alley and there is no one there. (its about 4:20) we thought the show started at 5. so we're like okay...its a thursday show (not to be confused with the was the day of the week.)so we look at our pre-purchased tickets and realize that it doesnt start until 6..woohoo. well, when chrissy and i figure that out jen and connor had already gone back to back to the car to pay(she was scared her car would get towed) it didn't but they didnt have 5 dollars in quarters (only in RVA) lol.on with the story..we went to eat at awful authers and come back..we're still the first people in line. we finally get in and the first band was alright. tehy had like one good line that i could hear.. "well, ive never been on fire but im sure it feel something like jumping through glass and swallowing broken promises." then,here comes THE WORKING TITLE. wow, they were amazing..check them out. i knew all the songs becuase chrissy and i have the cd and we listen to it all the time. joel, if you ever find this..i would like to be your girlfriend. hes the front man. wow, he is amazing..he has a presence.all the other bands SUCKED! i mean really bad..we didnt even stay to watch boys night out..we HAD to leave. horrible..grr. NEXT DAY: we skip school to go see SoCo at long wood for FREE. it was a-m-a-z-i-n-g. i'll put a link up in a few days so you can see pictures steph took. wow, andrew was awesome..he even played konstatine and wow..words cannot describe. that song will never be the same and i think i like it that way.i do believe it was a life changing experience. chrissy steph and caitlin all got pics with andrew but i didnt. im so dumb..but we did get to talk to him. we were there like way ahead of time so that was good. i would say about 2000 people showed was crazy. who all played you ask? soco yellowcard sleeping at last the format carbon leaf thats all i think. yellowcard did okay but soco was sooooooo much better. wow, every joke you could think up for long wood was told. haha "speaking of long wood..ladies,ben." so,thats all..except someone told me that they loved to talk to, that makes me happy. :):) anywho kiddos..this entry was way too long. bye guys please comment
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"I know where the canaries and crows go" by "The blood brothers"