<3 willie

Listening to: fugazi
here's much to do with hate, but more with love why then, oh brawling love, oh loving hate oh anything, of nothing first created! oh heavy lightness, serious vanity, misshapen chaos of well-seeming forms, feather of lead, bright smoke, cold fire, sick health, still-waking sleep, that is not what it is! this love feel i, that feel no love in this. edit: i found a really fun kid from madradhair and i now read her journal..i was just thinking about how weird it is to read someone elses life that you don't know or anything. anyhwo,just thought i'd add that. love <3
Read 9 comments
haha yep LOVE soco..i just saw them it was kickass..yeah we've talked before..we're on eachothers friends list? lol
that writing reminded me of edgar allan poe.
how are you?? The concert was great. Chris and the guys were awesome live, thrice was good as well. I'd love to IM you sometime, but my home computer is being cruel lately. I've been updating this thing at school. I should have it fixed sometime soon though. If you want you can email me at xracethedream@hotmail.com. xracethedream is my IM s/n too.
i cant have a lj because last summer my friends mom used yto get into my journal by going on
sorry my thing got cut off....

but anyway i cant have a live journal because last summer my friends mom used to get into my journal by going under my friends history.. she would print out my entires and show them to my mom!!! My friend and i made an oath to not have a lj anymore, but ill check out yours. Ill check out blurty as well.

much love,

oh yeah i like boys tight pants!!! hehe thanx
death cab..fugai...how awesome......and soco? oculd that be soco amereto lime?
? posibly?
ooh....hah ok
im at school...taking multimedia exam...but ill be online friday...ill talk to ya then
hello there.

the person in the background is hot

party on!