
Listening to: none
Feeling: blah
buzz buzz buzz... that's the sound my computer is making. kinda creepy. not the normal monitor buzz, a really loud buz. i am 10 minutes late for a dentist's appointment and i haven't even left yet. not my fault. i don't have a car. tommorow i'm going to the mall. with mitch, amber, jeremy, and uh...i don't know or remember who else. that might be all. that's ok though, i don't like big groups at the mall. they're pointless. i do wish anne was going though. it would have been her and jordan;s first date, and seeing as they've met once and it was months ago at a show they didn't even speak to eachother at, forgive me if i'm a bit skeptical/worried about their relationship. i'm so bored. but i get the vampire lestat today. which will be cool cause until i get it i can't go any farther than interview with the vampire, which i thought was really good but everyone's saying is the worst in the series. so the rest must be pretty kickass. horray!
Read 2 comments
Haha... Very interestingly put!
when you go on pointe its when you get the toe shoes, that ballerinas wear like to be on their toes, ya know? the ones with the wood....*painful*