Bush is SATAN!!!...?

so i was watching tv for once. and i was flipping through channels and stopped on this political channel. liberty news tv is definitely the worst way i've EVER seen liberal views and information presented. i wouldn't trust it. though some of the information on there is stuff i've heard before (mostly from mitch. does he watch libery news tv? ugh.)and some of it is probably true in itself, but god damn. talk about bias. talk about retarded animations reinforcing stuff, as though the viewer is too dumb to get the metaphor the first time (ex. they were talking about how some guy is a "pseudoscientist" and starts talking about "the voo doo that they do" and put a picture of a voo doo doll up on the screen. ok...) then they take random quotes from people and twist them. like the quote would even be up on the screen, and they'd "read it to you" but they'd read it differently from what it said on the screen. then they'd have these "documentaries" that were horrible and had people shaking out of control cause they apparently had mercury in their system. i thought liberalism was supposed to be about empowering the people...trusting them to run their country. so they think people are stupid (and illiterate?)....but fit to run the country? righty-o then just had to get that out of my system.
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