an A in MATH ?!!!!

Ok I took a test yesterday in math. Well before the test we had to grade the review from monday. I aced the review. Which gave me a big boost of self-esteem and guess what I got 100 % on the test. Yes ME!!!! Also my grade so far in the class is 95 %. Which is awsome cause last year. I hardly made eney passing grades. I'm going to tac that test up to my wall. Just to show that I can & have done good on tests in that class. okay so it was the frist test of the year & I did have the same class last year BUT I had a different teacher. Not to mention that is was all basic stuff. The building blocks if you will. But I don't care cause I passed the test & I'm making a 95 in the class. I which just makes today ROCK!
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good job! wish i was doin that good in AH Geometry lol