Monday's Suck

Feeling: alright
Monday's Suck because..... 1.You had to two nights to stay up as late as you want & then comes Sunday night. Then your expected to go to bed at a "resonable" time. 2. If for some reason you didn't go to bed at a "resonable" time. Your tired & cranky. 3. It means the end of the weekend. (Untill next weekend but that's too far away!) 4. RARELY does eneybody want a weekend to end. Excpt for the fact you want to get away from your family, job, and house ...etc. 5. You usualy get most of your homework assigned on Mondays. 6. School sucks. (Most of the time sprit week is always fun. If not at least amusing.) 7. One word Sleep. 8.,9,and 10. You'll have to fill the rest in for your self. ^ by stupidgurlbb (Jessica McHenry) *to "annoumus from last entry" Menthos are okay but, I quit. Thanks you have a good school year too. bye*
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