See What You'v Done

Listening to: The Music in my head
See What You'v Done By J.M See What You'v Done. All the destructon you have caused. You twisted the world with your vile words. You made some people people see my dad as if he is the source of all evil. He did everything he could for you. Then you stabed him in the back. Yet, instead of scurring of into the night you twisted the blade drawing it deeper. You made my family sound like they were blood thristy vampires from the farthest reaches of hell. As for your kin you made them seem as though they were a source of the light from the very stars in the sky. Then you have the guts to speak ill of my grandmother. Who was so feeble she couldn't hurt a fly. I admit her bark was bad, but far worse than her bite. She was in pain from her soul out. Her heart surly far larger than yours. She gave and she gave untl her very last day. When you left you started a fire that set a blaze in our lifes'. Now we walk on egg shells. Praying that no-one says a word. Acting normal yet, still scurring about. Our ears finely tuned for any apporaching danger. While out there looms a fox ready to pounce. A wisper of something wrong and down we fall (no matter how true it may be.) Away my brother's could be wisked. To places only god knows and where only he could follow. As long as the fox legally can. Make my father leave our home again. Toying with him because of the lies that you said. All of this because of you. Because you are a coward and couldn't wait to flee. Saying things that could never be true. Making my dad seem like a demon of the hightet order and you an angel of the highted rank. Well I have news for you. Roses are red and violets are blue. In the end we all get what's coming to us and someday you will too.
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i love it it's awesome read my problem