Let me eat cake

Listening to: Hardcore Vibes - ATC
Feeling: torn
12:00pm Just finished my first AFIS tutorial, it was… incredibly dull. Not that I really expected much. My tutor seems nice though. She's an accounting honors student, so she must really know her stuff... I'm currently sitting in the library. It's a very, very big building. I have heard it said that it contains more books than one individual could possibly read between now and the heat death of the Universe... although, the same probably applies to my accounting textbook. Its HUGE! Think... telephone book size. Only heftier. The only sounds around me are those of people desperately trying not to make any noise... and of course the annoying staccato tap-tap-tap of my keyboard... 7:54pm I'm finally home. Man, It really sucks going to work straight after my last lecture. Didnt help that it was really hot this afternoon either. *sigh On the upside however... I have chocolate cake.
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HOLY COW !!! I JUST HAD CHOCOLATE CAKE !! ..if thats not weird than I don't know what is!! I wish it was hott outside but hey we hit a high of 10 today lol!
annnddd "let them eat cake " is marie anntionette and I freaking love her .. yep just thought i would let you know..
I will not be outdone.

I had chocolate cake for my birthday.
you could come over and eat it , if you wanted, but it would be expensive.

so i don't expect to see you.
though the invitation is open.