
Just the other day i was shocked and a little amused when my brother stated his belief that carbon dating was false science, and that the earth was a mere 10,000 years old. When i asked him where he had gotten that ludicrous concept from (he's my brother and i love him, but he's not the brightest of sparks, and very impressionable) he said his friend told him so. When i pressed further about this friend of his i found out (surprise surprise) that he is a member of some extreme evangelical church. It doesn't bother me so much that his friend believes this (he is perfectly entitled too after all), but what does bother me is his absolute refusal to hear any argument that contradicts him (does this sound familiar? It should). I hate to think how much damage that poor boys' parents have inflicted on him through years of religious indoctrination - does he think God hates gays, lesbians, jews, muslims and atheists? Its almost like brainwashing but without the sinister government assassination plots and nifty heavy weaponry. I always used to wonder why my parents never introduced me or my brothers to religion. They're were raised as Catholic (dad) and anglican (mum). Now i understand that they have never actively discouraged religion but instead have left us to find our own way. Whether we find our way towards faith or atheism... its up to us to decide. And I love them so much for that. I for one will attend any church that preaches fellowship and compassion, none of that creationist propaganda for me please. I have a brain. As for my brothers friend... He may as well stop believing in electricity. Or oxidation-reduction reactions.. ...Or microwave ovens. For all the good it'll do him.
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there was a forward or something of the sort going round awhile back about 'christianity proving science wrong!!!' and the '10,000 days' bit was in there. it gave me a good laugh - until i realised how many people -actually- believe that stuff. i hope your brother is just going through a phase and ultimately takes a lesson from you, instead. you seem to really have it together, if this entry is any indication. (= (random noter)

i don't believe in redox. it is dumb.
wow, i totally agree with everything you say there. nifteh. religion is screwed, what happened to just having faith and love yknow. people are idiots. blah.
oh, except the creationist bit, i believe in that. I'm not a big fan of 'science' really. but your brother's friend is an asshole.