In Memorium

sigh..... i was shaving this morning.... i absentmindedly ran my razor under my bottom lip..... and destroyed the little goatee thing that lived there..... sucks i used to play with it for ages when bored or irritated.... it gave me something to pick at other than my eyebrows (which i have a habit of pulling out. Once i pulled quite a bit of my right one out without realising it... and had to go to school the next day with half an eyebrow)... sigh-ness So anyway this (silly) entry is kindof a memorial for it... it shall be missed... for a week or so anyway.... until i can cultivate another one. 'till then *sob
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Thanks (sigh)

I just hate this point in time...
errr .
thanks for your nice-ness hehe
heh, i used to pull my eyebrow hairs out.
then my eyelashes.
now i just pick at scabs until they scar...:S

oh and when i'm nervous or bored i chew on my fingernails.

and twirl my hair around my finger until it kinks.

woohoo for bad habits.

i've been working a lot this weekend.
things are good. i think i'm staying caught up with my homework. i should study more in biology though.

i hope you're doing well also.