Manifestations of a General Madness

So tonight will be night seven in our little flat, and so far I have retained my sanity. Whether this condition was previously fulfilled before I moved in could become a matter of some dispute (considering the cynical nature of my associates); I however, am prepared to accept good things as they come. Despite the arguable retention of an ordered and logical mind I still find myself sadly short of and missing male company (the voices in my head barely count, and besides not all of them are male) – considering I have lived my life with two brothers this is hardly surprising. I for one am not complaining about female companionship, they are fine and lovely, clean (for the most part), intelligent and they smell better, yet they are different. To quote Bob Jones, a favourite author, columnist, businessman of mine, “I grew up awash in sisters, and at an early age noted their fluctuating degrees of insanity and general irrationality. Subsequent years and wide experience have confirmed this to be a standard condition of their species. I hasten to add this insanity is not usually of the dangerous variety although many other experts less moderate than me would possibly quarrel with that liberal outlook” “Now lest readers think that I am about to launch into some sort of misogynic wallow, let me assure them that that is far from the case”. Caleb managed to alleviate it for me somewhat by keeping me company the other night while the girls plus Erin and Yvetti ventured into town. His presence combined with episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: First Contact proved a pleasurable evening of manly goodness. Oh Q you bastard. Why do you – an all-powerful alien sentience – spend all of your time pestering the crew of the Enterprise? I’ve come to suspect that you’re just a jerk. I find my lack of an internet connection the focus of some irritation considering how “wired” I was at home. I found the internet a constant and consistent source of information, random trivia and entertainment and its lack to me is worthy of some lament. Now that I have plenty of spare time in the evenings (time previously spent online for whatever purpose) I have reverted back to reading, yesterday I started on Plato’s Republic and I have every intention of finishing it this time. We can make it a better place When we pray for freedom
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If its male companionship you're after there is none more manly than my own!
blah. i wish i can read rather than enjoy the enticing realms of the net..not. really. sometimes i do. or whatever. -ger
ahahaa john is offering his manly soul
thats not all i'm offering ;-)