
Listening to: Aqualung
And now for something... completely different. yes yes I'll admit it! I've been watching Monty Python's Flying Circus again, but you can hardly blame me really. It's just so amazing, plus the fact that i bought all five seasons on dvd really makes it impossible for me Not to watch it. *sigh. *contentment* A feeling completely annihilated when i remembered that i have work tomorrow morning. damn damn damn damn damn it to the rank, festering pits of hell! And to think that i need to get another job. *sobs* Ohwell i guess it's suicide again for me! wheeeeee Wellington was good overall. Got a decent amount of time to talk with zeb, met a couple of his new friends. Went out and made the most of wellington nightlife. I especially liked staying in the hostel, i can totally see myself staying in hostels in europe or whatever. Exciting people. Also flatting will be something like that i imagine... hopefully with less drunk people sleeping loudly on my bedroom floor though. I'm in whangarei next time zeb comes down to christchurch... then i'm away skiing i think down south with my parents. But no matter. Damn it i don't want to go to work tomorrow >_<
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so do YOU just work work for money? =P
that sounds awesome, but if i stay employed theyll just fire me anyway