Question of the day....

well....i gots a question for everyone....first of... Girls... Would u prefer....Thongs, G-String, Full Bummed Undies, or nothin at all..?? Guys... Would you prefer....Boxers, Briefs, Tighties, or nothin at all..?? Plz respond...i need an answer to and my friend have a bet lol
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G-string ;)
for your questions, depends on the situation, mainly boxers
my msn addy is so just add me.
Umm well you have to add the pic to your image manager and then change the name of it to 'my_background' and it will become your background. If you have any trouble let me know and I will help you out.
Yeah it sucks to be me, im feeling sorry for myself and my boyfriend is in a happy mood and trying to cheer me up. Its really cute =) It makes me smile, kinda.
Well im off to bed =)