yea thats me in that pic i have more on my webpage... :D well laters
nice, canada eh, thats chill, ive never been there, well, talk to you sometime maybe in the future haha..bye
your background is so cute!!! i love it love it
can I add you by the way?
thank you. seems like you got the background thing. oh yeah!
oo and the painting is vincent vah gogh and its called starry night over the rhone... its gorgeous. i want a full size replica for my room. sucks that my room is yellow...
ok this is like most definetly the most random thing ever--but tinkerbell was my nickname when i still lived with my dad and i am wearing my tinkerbell shirt at this exact moment. yeah. that was pointless--but it amused me.

The best part was the reaction of the old man "what the hell are hizzie brizzies?" That's what put me under! Anyways, nice to see someone closer to my age on here, you kick ass for that alone!
Its okay, really =)
Ahh your making me blush, lol.
See i told you that you could trust me...
by the way, your diary is fucken wonderful :)
Thank you i am, naming her Adrienna i know we live so far away from eachother do you have a email i can send you a pic when she is born
Doesn't everyone?

But yes. It's posh and english.
Well...i dunno wut to not Sammy...but i just wanted to say hi...i think?...i don't remember...well talk to me...were both 19 i guess...*toke*
yeah thats me...little boy? youre what? 2 years older than me
i tried adding u but no luck,...
Sweet dreams
Ahh your diary is beautiful =)
I have to go to bed in a few minutes cos other wise I wont get up in the morning.
Anyway thanks for the entry =)
Have a great night chels *hope you dont mind me shortening it?*
Ah goodnight
Oh much better, the dark behind looks way better :)