
Well last night was fun...we (meaning sarah zaneta and i) went to the bar...but to our surprise the bar was open until 3am!!! Unfortunately Zaneta had to go home early...which was probably a good idea considering that sarah and i didnt leave the bar until about 4:45am (and she had to work at like 8am) LOL!!! We stayed and talked to Boston for ever...hes hilarious!! lol newho i hafta go get ready for to you all later...!!
Read 5 comments
Heya love.
Oh shit, you have had a dramatic time.
I'm sorry to hear about your uncle, I hope you're doing alright.
I havent been on lately and I've been avoiding things because I have had assignments at school, coming out of my ears =P
I have your package, i just wanna add some more things and then i'll send it!

Love yah.
You and your bar =P

Haha glad to see you got to talk to Boston. =D
How is things with that?
Damn friends list got deleted on everyone's =P
Dontcha worry, I added you first =D
Hope you're great and all that jazz =)
I juzt wanna thank you for tha chance to see Angelenia Jolie in tha sexy ass picture!!!
YOU NEED TO U P D A T E!!!! Girl!!
