WiCkEr PaRk

okay so today i woke up at 730 wow, thats totally early..! and yeah im all better i still have that - getting over being sick - feeling but its okay! so i have been really confused about my life and pretty much everything lately, but isnt everyone just a little confused..i cant be that crazy..! dso yeah alot of weird stuff is going on with my mom i dont know, life is just being pretty weird now and im trying to be as optimistic as possible, but in the end i know my smile is fake and i hate doing that i dont even realize when im fakeing a smile i seem to have gotten so use to it! yes there is reason to be happy because i am getting so much closer to God this past week all i have been doing is reading bible verses and they really do help i know i need to give my worries to God but its just weird i also know that we must suffer on earth because our reward in heaven will be so much greater than any of this, but it sucks to suffer! this one bible verse made me sad cause it was about a certain sin that God saiz not to do, and i use to do it all the time, yeah that was the old me and its not a part of me anymore but it still haunts me, i cant forget. so today me and lindsay went to see wicker park, it was actually a really good movie! It was pretty confusing but it was cool how all the puzzle peices fit together in the end! it was awesome i would definately see it again! but now i totally have a like 3 page history outline to do...and i havent even started! woohoo! that should be cool! Romans 10:14 “But before people can ask the Lord for help, they must believe in him; and before they can believe in him, they must hear about him; and for them to hear about the Lord, someone must tell them” so go tell someone the good news about Jesus, it will make God smile..
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